EmacsConf Infrastructure Status

This page will be updated with the latest information in case of any failure in our infrastructure.

service role status
emacsconf.org EmacsConf wiki Operational
media.emacsconf.org EmacsConf media files Operational
live.emacsconf.org livestream static site Operational
live0.emacsconf.org primary streaming server Operational
bbb.emacsverse.org BigBlueButton web conferences Dormant
chat.emacsconf.org webchat (The Lounge) Operational
pad.emacsconf.org Etherpad Operational

In case of outage(s), please check #emacsconf on the libera.chat IRC network to see if other members of the audience experience the same issue(s), and potentially escalate to organizers via the #emacsconf-org channel.